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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from ctypes import c_size_t

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[docs]def example_method(alignment: c_size_t, param: float) -> int: """ This class is an example of how you can write docstrings. You can add multiple lines of those descriptions. Make sure to include useful information about your method. **Code Example:** .. code-block:: cpp // Here is a C++ code block std::vector<int32_t> foo(const std::vector<int32_t> &lst) { std::vector<int32_t> ret; for (const auto x : lst) { ret.emplace_back(x * 2); } return ret; } And here is a verbatim-text diagram example: .. code-block:: text .------+---------------------------------.----------------------------- | Block A (first) | Block B (second) +------+------+--------------------------+------+------+--------------- | Next | Prev | usable space | Next | Prev | usable space.. +------+------+--------------------------+------+--+---+--------------- ^ | ^ | | '-------------------------------------' | | | '----------- Block B's prev points to Block A -----' Todo: * This is a TODO item. * And a second TODO item. Args: alignment (c_size_t): Description of the `alignment` value. param (float): Description of `param1`. Returns: Description of the method's return value. Raises: AttributeError: If there is an error with the attributes. ValueError: If `param` is equal to 3.14. Example: This is how you can use this function >>> print("Code blocks are supported") Note: For more info on reStructuredText docstrings, see `here <>`__ and `here <>`__. """ return 42
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